How to make pesto & use it!

I could eat this with a wide Korean spoon.


Yield: 2 cups


  1. Combine basil leaves, pine nuts (or walnuts) and garlic in a food processor and process until very finely minced.
  2. With the machine running, slowly dribble in the oil and process until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Add the cheese and process very briefly, just long enough to combine. Store in refrigerator or freezer.

How to use pesto!


Recipe Website Inspo

NY Times Cooking: I enjoy how the images speak for the website and the scale used to show off detail. I also appreciate how just because the information is hierarchially important doesn't mean it needs to be thick and wide!

Binging with Babish: In general I enjoy how simply this layout is. I hate that it is paywalled. But the overall layout functions well for the website.

Monoware: Another simple but bold design. I enjoy that the landing section is simpler while more information is presented when scrolling down.

General Website Inspo

Little Fat Boy: I just love big type big everything. It sets the tone and doesn't bombard the viewer with information... yet.

Plenty: Punchy bold colors with good contrast which is hard for yellow. Lowkey it does kind of hurt my eyes but I don't mind.

And Walsh: Great use of horizontal space with no padding on the sides. Very clear system for design.